Friday, March 26, 2010

A Critique on Gregg Levine’s "Our National Nightmare is over…”

Blog Stage Four: Substantial commentary or criticism #2 (POST TO BE GRADED)
A Critique on Gregg Levine’s "Our National Nightmare is over…” by Derek Rider
Friday, March 26th, 2010
Yesterday evening, Gregg Levine over at Fire Dog Lake posted a new editorial about the amended reconciliation bill passed only a few hours before.
He successfully lays out the facts in an easy to read fashion, which is important for those who have not been following the health care situation very closely, to grasp what is going on. It is important to note that everything is structured in a way, that topics stay clear and concise, and there are no paragraphs just rambling, apart from his goofy introduction. His choice of an image of Nancy Pelosi preparing to strike her hammer, with a determined face adds strength of the editorial and adds serves as a great visual aid in portraying his message.
I also think that it’s worth noting how Levine mentioned the educational system in his last paragraph.“Meanwhile, and with all the “excitement” I almost forgot, it should be noted that this reconciliation bill does contain a progressive victory. . . one that would not have likely happened without the efforts of many in this community.” Again he brings in a sarcastic tone, but of the similar articles I saw while browsing, this is the only where that mentioned this educational portion of the bill. Maybe several other editors forgot about it as well…
While Mr. Levine does crack a few jokes, and manages to slide in a sarcastic tone, it’s in good taste, and makes the reading more lighthearted, and allows the tension to be dropped. This is most notable in the comments section located below the article.
I was unable to track the extent Mr. Levine’s history with FDL, but going through his archive, I found dozens of articles with the number of comments close to or exceeding 100, most of which were very positive and constructive, and it’s easy to see that he has quite a fanbase adding to his credibility.
Thank you for the article Mr. Levine, well made.

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