Friday, January 29, 2010

Gettin' to know me a bit, check out these bad marks.

Since we'll all be traveling on this adventure together, with me as your guide, how about you get to know me a bit.

According to the Typology test at People Press I fall into the category of a Liberal, though just as the website proclaims, that doesn't necessarily mean I follow all of their beliefs.

Having absolutely no political experience, hell, I wasn't really even sure what typological group I belong in, I don't necessarily follow what everyone believes, but I follow what I believe to be right and just.

I am only taking Government 2305 because the state of Texas mandates that I have 6 credit hours of either Texas or United States Government, but since I'm enrolled in the class, why not learn what I can about not only our government, but what I feel about it, as well as what I'd like to do to improve it.

Coming in with really no goals in the class, other than a nice passing grade, I would say that now I would like to learn about myself, what exactly it is that I believe in/stand for and what role I serve here in our country as an individual.

I correctly answered 23 out of 33 questions on the civics quiz I took at American Civil Literacy
Unfortunately this only scored me at 69.70%, when the average score was 73.5%. Also, incredibly I correctly answered only 2 of the 12 questions on the Pew Research current events quiz at Pew Research.

So you can tell that I definitely could some improving in the Government department.

In that case I will see you all next time.
-Derek Rider

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