Thursday, January 28, 2010

I don't even know who I am, but I'm willing to get to know me.

Being now a young man in our country, it is definitely time that I start to form up my political views, instead of staying undecided about everything.

Yesterday I registered to vote for our state election here in Texas, I have very little knowledge about my own government here at home, but with this new responsibility that I have, it is my duty to learn all that I can about the candidates so that I will be able to make the decision that is best for me. About another month or so and my paperwork should be arriving in the mail.

This will be a rather dramatic change for me, since I've never really followed politics in our current generation, which is ironic because it's the one that matters most in my life. In the past few years, going over the history of the United States in my classes, I've become more and more interested about our government, but when it actually came to a government class in high school, I couldn't have cared less about the actual content, I was just in it for the passing grade.

Now in Professor Chris Seago's US Government 2305, I'll have to make the best of this time frame, in order to learn what I can about our Government, and see where I actually stand.

As much as I used to feel that one voters opinion didn't matter, within the past 4 to 5 years, now that I have matured more, I have really seen what a difference one vote can make.

Until next time, Derek Rider.

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